E-commerce Solutions
We don’t just build your website, we build your business.
We don’t just build your website, we build your business.
When looking for an e-commerce website there really are a lot of factors to consider. And once you’ve committed, there are a lot of factors you didn’t even think to consider. Having been around the block a time or two with e-commerce websites, we already have those features and more built in with our e-commerce solutions.
If you have custom needs or requirements, don’t stress about that either. We have in-house designers and developers that can help build a solution that’s perfect for you!
Customization is what you should be looking for when it comes to an e-commerce website. With so many unique businesses out there, there’s truly no such thing as a cookie cutter way to sell online. Every client we work with wants to customize their e-commerce website a little differently than the last guy. And you know what? That’s fair. Your business is different. Your website should be too.
Another big feature to consider is shipping and payment modules. Shipping is different with every client. Some clients want to charge a flat fee for certain items and a calculated fee for others. Some clients only want to use UPS. Some clients want to be able to hold items for pickup. The possibilities are endless, but the bottom line is to make sure that both the shipping and payment modules are flexible and/or customizable to your liking.
And last, but not least, make sure it looks the way you want it to. Functionality is obviously important, but it is, after all, a representation of your business. The layout and design should look and feel a certain way. This is often overlooked on the front end of the process, but it is just as important as the process of how it all works.
Here at WebTec, everything is flexible and customizable. We haven’t said “We can’t do that” to anyone yet. So let us know how we can help and get you started with your e-commerce website today!
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